Get Fit and Master Your Life!

Does This Sound Like You?

  • Are you chronically eating and drinking too much to manage life?

  • Do you avoid that voice deep inside calling you to be better and achieve more?

  • Do you look in the mirror and think “Where did my confidence go? How did I allow for mediocrity?”


90-Day Amplify is a proven formula for entrepreneurs seeking excellence, a fulfilling lifestyle through progressive mastering of optimized self-care disciplines. This holistic program delivers quick, sustainable results combining private mentorship, personalized fitness and nutrition plans, expert partnerships, outdoor adventures, and mindset work. Don’t let success come at the expense of your health and relationships; enhance self-awareness and tackle limiting beliefs with innovative strategies for steady growth. Your comfort zone is your biggest barrier—leave it. Achieve in 90 days what would take a year on your own!

  • Get Unstuck, Empowered, and AMPLIFY Your Mind, Body, and Life with my proven winning formula, and A-Z step-by-step gamified fulfillment process. You will believe in yourself again, be so lit up and ALIVE, follow through on keeping your word and make things happen here with a predictable journey with daily routines and self-mastery practices to cultivate greatness, hone and never lose your edge.

    Mountain 1: Get Unstuck (Days 1-30 - Build Your Mind/Body Foundation)
    Imagine you reboot and rebuild a strong foundation by reorganizing your life and resetting realistic but challenging goals and establishing a personal Life Strategy and Operating System. Focus on the Four Pillars of Life with 5-10 hours per week of daily learning and actions for incremental next level results:

    You will learn how to...

    I. Body: Detox, eat clean and train smart with consistency and look great naked
    II. Being: Master your thoughts and emotions, connect with your purpose
    III. Balance: Enhance relationship intimacy, and balance work and family life
    IV. Business: Improve leadership, prioritize projects, and grow your business

    Mountain 2: Get Empowered (Days 31-60 - Boost Productivity)
    Consistency is key. Strengthen your foundation addressing deficiencies in your self-care, exposing your lies and coping mechanisms, gaining knowledge, reframing, inspired daily actions, increasing intensity, and breakthrough challenges that demand hard work, willpower, grace and passion. Lose unwanted weight, gain lean sculpted, athletic muscle and vitality by getting your diet and exercise regimen dialed in.

    Mountain 3: AMPLIFY Your Mind, Body & Life (Days 61-90 - Progressions)
    Elevate your life by getting curious, integrating key concepts, engraining new habits that increase your EQ, capacity and productivity, and adopting a success mindset that ensures you follow through and hit your objectives faster than ever before. Weekly curriculum and coaching will help you show up with grace, while you achieve continuous growth and acclimate to next level demands.

    The 1st 90 Days is about lighting a fire and learning the success formula. This is only the beginning! Sustainable lasting change requires you go the distance, a 6-12+ month commitment. After Round 1, you will transition to the Intermediate and more Advanced levels for building obsession and maximizing performance, miraculous results and more playtime! Love your food, exercise and purposeful lifestyle. Look and feel your best, stronger than ever. Cast off your old self, become more than you are, and attract more success than you have! There's no reason you shouldn't start today.

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do that." ~ Howard Thurman

Conquer Your Life’s Mountains with Coach Glenn!



Hi, I’m Breakthrough Health & Life Coach Glenn Hattem. I’m blessed to work with Top Producers in mindset, body, and healthy adventure lifestyles to help them get unstuck and live with greater purpose and impact. As a pioneer in peak human performance, bestselling author, and multi-sport athlete with over 100,000 coaching sessions, I’ve mentored captains of industries, billionaires, athletes, and icons. I create innovative health protocols to transform time-constrained lives into fulfilling ones. My clients include a diverse range of individuals and families, such as Robert Redford, Journey, Santana, Super Bowl Champions, Olympic medalists and Fortune 500 companies (Oracle, Gaia, Burton), Special Ops, SWAT Teams, Fire and Sheriff Departments, coaches and spiritual advisors. I’m in high-demand because of a unique gift and set of skills that makes me the very best at what I do. Let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation.

You get 30+ years of experience, my best work, and a no-nonsense stewardship championing your Impossible to POSSIBLE project(s). I invest heavily in my development—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I workout 6 x’s/week, play multiple sports, stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and prioritize sleep and meditation. Living a healthy lifestyle in your best body is a decision; invest in yourself, or risk stagnation and inevitably dis-ease and break-down. You have one shot here, an almost unfair advantage in an overcrowded, over-promising and underdelivering market (generic cookie cutter module offerings that don’t produce your desired results), to take control of your life and create your dream future. Don’t sit on the sidelines—embrace challenges, learn from them and grow exponentially through proper implementation of key concepts. No one can do it all right, all alone.

After overcoming rock bottom professional and personal hardships, including rebooting a business, ending a toxic relationship, losing two parents to cancer and discovering a tumor in my head, I joined the board of the Colorado Cancer Foundation and recently hosted a Benefit Concert at my home in Cherry Creek. My mission’s been helping thousands align their actions with their higher calling. What will be your wins and impact? Let’s Go!

MEDIA KIT: Click Here

Men: Build A Strong Athletic Physique

Women: Be The Most Attractive You!

Partners, Families & Organizations:

Client Spotlight: Making the IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE

When George “BURTON” Carpenter came to me, he was paralyzed from a botched spinal surgery and had made minimal progress in a year. Despite his doubts, I was committed to helping him with his BIG Project to walk again. Watch as we navigate his inspiring journey of transformation with steady 1% daily progress—rebuilding strength, finding inner-peace, and reclaiming personal authority. If George can overcome adversities, you can take the leap and pursue your biggest goals with determination.

"Never stop until you get what you want, and then keep going for what's next." - Tim Grover


AMPLIFY is for those who are ready to 100% commit to their fitness and change making process. You’re at the crossroads.
Do you have an inspiring project for me to work on with you? Are you ready to rise up, conquer your fears and live the life you truly want?
Schedule a 30-Minute Discovery Call and begin your personalized journey of simple integrations that lead to a new life, Today!

  • 1-on-1 Expert Holistic Coaching & Intensive Hands-On Training

  • All-New 24/7 Direct Access Premier Level Concierge

  • Daily Accountability Check-Ins & Weekly Inspiring Guidance

  • Relevant Education, Strategic Action Plans & Best Technologies

  • Proven Success Accelerator, Mindset & Life Operating System

  • Monthly Milestone Re-Assessments & Breakthrough Adventures

Complete a short application and we will set up a call within 2 business days to discuss your project(s).
If we’re a fit, we will schedule a 90-minute call to answer all your questions, finalize details, and start.



Crushing in Business, but STUCK Personally with Your Self-Care?
When was the last time you questioned your beliefs about yourself and your life?

The 3-legged stool of a truly successful life is Business, Health & Relationships. If any one of these legs is weak, the whole stool wobbles. You don’t have to choose between business success and thriving in life—have both! This playbook encourages you to shed your masks and limits, stop being a hypocrite and transform your connection with yourself and your higher power. Buy this workbook on Amazon and start your journey. Show proof of completion and earn a 1-on-1 Strategy Session and Action Plan to ensure your success (valued at $1000)—GET YOUR COPY TODAY!


Are your health, motivation and fortitude suffering from the constant grind?
What’s holding you back from being the best version of yourself?

True health and fitness must be earned, forged, not wished for one day or from constant complaining, quitting and justifications. Weaknesses lower your resistance to disease. Bridging the gap between your current state and your goals requires shifts in habits, discipline, and mindset. Stop complicating things and cycling due to inconsistencies with your non-negotiables. Are you confident in mind, body and spirit? Ready for a real solution? In just 4 weeks, this guided workbook will jump-start your fitness and health. Reverse aging, enhance your mood, and boost energy with proven methods. —NOW IT’S YOUR TURN!